Thoughts and Antidotes for Sociopolitical Extremism and Modern Misery

If we are constantly complaining or worrying about the things (or people) we do not like or do not agree with, then we are actively giving our energy to a place that doesn’t benefit us at all in a positive or practical way. Instead of letting this type of mental habit consume us and our potential, we must direct this energy source towards positive, constructive and creative endeavors. Use feelings like frustration, anxiety and anger in a way that furthers you and your teams’ position within your given sphere. These seemingly negative emotions are useful catalysts for growth and change if approached with wisdom and awareness.

A collective of individuals doing this will likely achieve greater success than a group who spends their energy thinking and obsessing over what the opposition is doing. I am not saying to be ignorant of potential threats and movements of enemies, but do not let their movements make you stagnant and fettered. Surrender will only prove to you and everyone else that you were not all there to begin with and that your will and drive lacks power and genuine conviction. If you can learn to break through the dark places of life without being crushed in the process, then you will gain access to equally immense plateaus of light.

We should take every ounce of this energy and put it into something that we love and want to promote further. Put everything that you are towards the things you care about, believe in and want to see more of. Actively take initiative and “be the change” you want to see in the world and stop trying to force others to follow suit based on mere words. Actions will always be the most potent source of inspiration to others; words will only enhance this phenomenon and will seldom find power without it. If we can act in a way that people want to mirror or achieve, then we can actively help heal the modern sickness that seems to pervade all aspects and ages of society. This act is reminiscent of the saying “you can’t think yourself into right acting but you can act yourself into right thinking.”

The same goes for men (and women) who complain too much about the opposite sex. Instead of being ultra-critical of what they are doing, be ultra-critical of yourself and the cultural actions and dilemmas of your own sex. Ask yourself if you are even worth the time of a quality woman (or man). If you are unsure in that regard, start working on yourself and stop complaining about the perceived inferiority of others. Too often lazy and unhealthy men and women will demand certain things from the opposite sex without giving the least amount of thought as to whether they themselves deserve them or have truly “earned” them. For example, too often I hear unhealthy, unkempt, and uninteresting men complain about women not being healthy, modest, beautiful or smart enough for them. They will sit around and demand that a woman be X, Y and Z, while they themselves are literal savage Pigmen.

This is likely why long relationships are a rare phenomenon these days, as people are unable to instigate growth or transcendence within themselves. They would rather fall victim to the domestication of the “civilized” and modern human who is told to accept his/her flaws as unchangeable tangents of their personality. More-so now than ever it seems that people have an inability to self-criticize and in turn victimize themselves to the sickness that engulfs our psyche; displaying an unwillingness to fix the self while demanding everyone else be fixed.

We have all met this kind of person, and even the most extreme examples are mirrored and echoed in the most minute ones. This problem pervades all of society in the globalized world and we are seeing a desperate misery like never before from even the most average of plebeians. We must all collectively strive to be our best and actively search for the methods in which to do so. This reminds me of something the neuroscientist and author Sam Harris expressed in his book “The Moral Landscape”, there is way that humans’ “ought” to live. I would go one step further and say that depending on your genetics and placement in the world, this “ought” should be dictated by the setting of your ancestors and the places they inhabited, as a person from the forest “ought” to live differently than a person from the ocean or desert.

Some concluding concepts that are wise to evaluate and reinforce daily are as follows:

– If you are constantly whining about another group, race or culture, then you are probably not doing anything to better your own.

-Spend time doing things you love instead of amplifying the things you hate.

-Spend time doing things that inspire you rather than spending time consuming things you hate.

-Love who you are and love what you do, fuck the rest.

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